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The daily grind can get to you. Especially if you sit typing away at your work station 9 hours a day. These exercises will get you energised!

  • Forearm stretch :
To begin with, sit in an upright position in a chair. Your upper body should be directly over the seat and your spine in a neutral position. With your palms facing down stretch your arms directly in front of you. Now turn your fingers towards the walls on either side of you. You will feel a gentle stretch along your arm. Hold still for 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Wrist stretch :
Stretch one arm in front of your body at shoulder level with the fingers pointing upwards. Then grasp your fingers with your other hand and gently pull them towards your body till you feel your wrist stretch. Hold on for 20 to 30 seconds and then switch arms.
  • Finger flexion and extension
Keep your spine in a neutral position. Extend your arms in front of you and keeping the palms facing downwards; flex your fingers inwards making a claw. Then spread your fingers as far apart as you can. Repeat this exercise 5 to 10 times every 30 minutes while doing computer or desk work.

  • Prayer stretch
Do this standing with your palms held together as if youre praying. Start with your hands in front of your chest and slowly lower them to your waistline, keeping them close to your stomach. You will feel a mild to moderate stretch under your forearms. Hold for at least 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat 2 to 4 times.
  • Grip strengthening
Use a soft ball to do this exercise. We suggest a stress relief ball. Grasp it so the pads of your fingers are firmly holding the ball. Then simply squeeze and release. Repeat 5 to 10 times.
Author profile

Vivek is an entrepreneur and a technology buff. When not at work he is a voracious reader.

By Vivek V Kumar

Vivek is an entrepreneur and a technology buff. When not at work he is a voracious reader.