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The Indian travel and aviation industry is going through major losses. Though domestic flights have resumed, but the fear of Covid makes long distance travel look endangered in the months to come.

The Grim Scenario

Some of the biggest and oldest names in global airlines are going bankrupt. As per the latest reports, if the global pandemic continues for few more months, the travel industry could face a loss of USD 2.1 trillion in revenue, leading to innumerable job losses. Worldwide, more than 80% of countries across the world have restricted travel.

The Indian travel/ aviation industry is facing similar issues; airplanes are lying at the airport lounges. People are stuck in whichever place they travelled last before the lockdown was announced. The sector witnessed a loss of up to $3.6 bn in June quarter and is expected to cause 38 million job losses in India.

The crisis has hit all forms of travel- inbound, outbound, domestic, leisure, corporate, conferences and exhibitions. The Indian association of Tour Operators (IATO) an apex tourism industry association reported a loss of about 15 lakh foreign tourists in the months of March and April. The situation is grim enough that the travel and tourism industry had to demand a tax holiday for tour operators for the next two years.

Potential Risks While Travelling

Travelling in flights or even trains could carry a lot of potential risk for the traveler; considering these modes of transport are usually crowded and they are higher chances of being Covid carriers. Also, with the number of asymptomatic cases increasing, the chances of potential carriers have increased; older adults and people with serious chronic medical conditions are at increased risk.

Once a person is inside the flight, there is lesser scope for maintaining social distancing; there will always be some risk at this point, and it is difficult to determine how high the risk is. Flights often turn around quickly which could lead to possible lapses in the cleaning process, hence, the question arises on contracting the virus by touching surfaces, seat belts, tray table and even armrests.

People in the senior age group will avoid travelling, considering they are the most vulnerable to the virus.

Positive Indications for Travel Industry

Though government has relaxed certain norms in India and resumed domestic flight operations, the big question lies if people would still prefer travelling, over risking their lives.

Although the people are apprehensive of the travel conditions, the hygiene requirements as well as the availability of the door to door transport facilities, a survey conducted by Conde Nast Traveller revealed the findings where desperate 81 % travelers in the cities of Delhi NCR, Mumbai and Bengaluru ‘miss travelling more than anything’. If both driving and flying was an option for travel, 68% urbanites in the sample size would NOT ignore flights.

While only 20% indicated that they had complete confidence that ‘the airlines would have all the measures in place’, 67% of all contacted, conveyed that in the approaching days and months, the most important factor for the willingness of people to resume air travel would be the airlines’ preparedness and ‘Covid-prevention measures’.

What we need

Having gazed at the willingness of the urban traveller to venture out, should the Indian airlines then wait for a vaccination/ medication to improve the situation? Or be proactive enough to change perceptions around travel, making people feel safe about it. It is important to boost the travel sector which accounts for 12.75% of India’s employment.

It is one of the largest industries contributing to the GDP of the country. Hence, for the economy to resume in India, travel industry is working on revival plans:
– Advanced safety kits, pre specified distancing norms, minimum physical contact.
– Stringent cleaning and sanitization procedures to be followed for flight cleaning.
– Practices before boarding the flights to be taken into consideration. Eg. Mode of travel used, residential zone/Covid zone, adherence to Aarogya Setu app.
– Children and older people to be handled with care and given preference.
– Re-alignment of flight crew to accommodate passengers with dignity and compassion.

Let’s Travel Again!

Travel is a very essential part of life. Over the years, air travel has made itself affordable, reaching out to larger sections of population, making work and leisure travel a plausible and acceptable aspect of life.

While people are traveling within the cities in some parts of the country, there are doubts about long distance travel. The only reason behind the apprehension is the safety, the fear of contracting Covid while travelling. Government and airline industry are putting their best foot forward by initiating domestic travel, following the protocols.

It would require a collaborative effort to overcome the dropped current rates of travel and the resulting revenues. Once the domestic travel proves to be successful, government and travel companies can replicate the processes and preventive measures for international travel too. With some guards and measures in place, there is this one big industry waiting to make a comeback with a Boom!

Author profile

Saumika is a creative enthusiast who loves music, art, literature, poetry and dance. She is also a dynamic communication strategist. A busy work schedule did not stop her from pursuing her passion for music and art which helps her stay close to her traditional roots.

By Saumika Bhattacharjee

Saumika is a creative enthusiast who loves music, art, literature, poetry and dance. She is also a dynamic communication strategist. A busy work schedule did not stop her from pursuing her passion for music and art which helps her stay close to her traditional roots.