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Listening to music, sitting quietly, and imagining my dance performance on that song…that’s me whenever I listen to music! I loved dancing since my childhood but did not get a chance to learn it professionally for a long time. Like any other dance enthusiast, I watched performances on TV and copied the steps whenever I could.

After a long time, I decided to pursue my passion, and admitted myself to dance classes. I shortlisted Danceworx studio, checked out their classes. Finally, in July 2009, I was there for my first dance class and continued learning dancing for over 3 years. My journey at Danceworx was beautiful and inspiring. I acquired quite a few insights and skills that I could later apply in both, my professional
and personal life. I would like to share some of those learnings here:

Be determined: My instructor worked on me improving the movement of my body from the first class itself, despite my years of personal practice. In the dance class, I tried, I failed and then I tried again. I got better after a lot of run-through, over time. I took a determination from my dance classes to work persistently, and I adhere to this vow in everything I do now.

Go full: I still remember when my dance instructor used to tell to go ‘half-an-inch more’ and we all would stretch and go a bit beyond our present capacities, to achieve that extra half inch. To go an extra mile to achieve better than before, was a life lesson! When I think that I have done it all, I review the work and evaluate of some additional effort could be put in to improvise. I obtain my rewards when I see my work getting published, being appreciated, and rewarded. I am thankful to my instructor for forcing me to strive further…putting that additional effort has become a part of the way I do things now.

Must be precise: In simple words, my dance instructor never allowed us to be sloppy. She would not accept anything less than ‘precise’. Since then ‘less than perfect’ was never an option, and working precisely, every time, became a habit.

Encourage to be a good team player: We all know the importance of a team that’s in sync. In the dance lesson, if even one of us lagged behind, the whole team’s performance would get impacted. To keep the team spirit, one or the other fellow dancer would continue to encourage those straggling, till finally, they caught up with the co-dancers’ pace.

In professional work life, working with and managing teams is quite similar to the sync and coordination taught in the dance classes. We all need words of encouragement and reminders that Yes, we can achieve anything we want through resilience! Help the team members to deliver better and the entire team shines and grows together…and that’s what I follow religiously.

Share oneself: During the dance sessions, the dancers were encouraged to share their emotions and energies with the people around them, with the fellow dancers as well as the audience. The idea was to experience a shared field of sensations and spirit.

In the beginning, I wondered how the share of energies was connected to our lives, outside the classroom. After some due pondering, I observed that the emotions and energies I carried, had a direct impact on people around me. If I felt good, positive, happy…I passed on the same energies to others.

Both on and off the dance floor, I conditioned myself to immerse completely in the activity I was pursuing. Dance requires complete concentration. “I forget everything else the moment I start dancing”. The same unwavering focus equipped me to handle my work more diligently.

I learnt and gained immensely while dancing. And yes, health benefits are a bonus! The fundamental point is to do what you love, so you learn to love what you do.

Stay happy, healthy and safe!