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(some of these suggestions may not apply to all schools, all countries)

  1. It needs to be a part of IEP…as mental health days!
  2. The environment – teachers/employers needs to be understanding of the
    requirements of people with autism, and facilitate the days off
  3. I have let my son have a ‘well-being day’ a few times, but told the school
    he is ill. Mental health is the same as physical health!!
  4. Even parents of children with special needs should get a day off to
  5. Mine doesn’t relax during the day! Mine is up and ready to go, go ,go until
  6. I prefer my child in school because it is tough to have him home…
  7. I take my child late to school to prevent him from getting too tired…
  8. But older children mind attracting attention to themselves…any change in
    schedule, and they feel embarrassed.
  9. Day off made a huge difference to my son as he was more relaxed…his
    teacher wished more parents would look at their kids’ needs
  10. This point could be valid to everyone, yet more to people with autism…they
    need to recharge because they have so much trouble falling asleep,
    remaining asleep, and many other health issues.
Author profile

Monica (Managing Editor) is the quintessential researcher - she thrives on showcasing overlooked aspects that form the foundation blocks of people, places and issues. She is a social scientist by profession with masters in Economics and loves to travel.

By Monica P Singhal

Monica (Managing Editor) is the quintessential researcher - she thrives on showcasing overlooked aspects that form the foundation blocks of people, places and issues. She is a social scientist by profession with masters in Economics and loves to travel.