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Bhagwad Gita states that an uncontrolled mind is the sole source of fear, stress and anger in our lives. A calm mind gives us direction and helps us take quick constructive decisions.

Meditation is a great solution to restore the calmness of mind. Most of the time, our minds are busy visualizing the past and future events; meditations help bring back the mind to the present moment. Mindful meditation helps in reducing stress, anxiety, and insomnia; it also helps in enhancing happiness quotient in individuals.

meditation photo

At a time, when most countries of the world are going through lockdown, staying at home for days at length can bring in boredom, stress and sleeplessness. The confinement of lockdown has especially been a cause of stress and anxiety for those businesses that are incurring losses. We have recently heard a policeman committing suicide after testing positive and getting quarantined. His reports, after staying in the facility turned negative, but he could not take the stress for those many days.

During a period of physical and economic constraints, meditation can help in relaxing the mind, and encourage people not to lose hope. We are all aware of the rescue case of 12 Thai boys and their football coach who survived underground for 17 days in June-July 2018, with minimal food, in an extremely damp and dark environment. Once rescued and given initial palliative care, the doctors announced that the boys were in good health and not stressed. Many people wondered how this was possible! Some attributed this to God’s mercy. But then, God helps those who help themselves!

The boys were at a risk of developing Hypothermia as the cave they were trapped in was flooded. They were also exposed to dipped oxygen levels, complete darkness, and malnourishment. Yet, they were found in a healthy state! It was their coach who helped the boys in handling the stress through ‘meditation techniques’.

The meditation was their powerful survival tool that helped them handle stress and survive with minimum food and depleting air quality. Experts presumed that they were most probably guided to not struggle against their intense feelings but to regulate their stress by directing their feelings towards gratitude. This works in a way that you recognize and send thankfulness to all the elements around you that are kind and are contributing in your survival. Hence, instead of focusing on ‘what is not’, we look at ‘what is’. This practice of meditation lowered the boys’ cortisol levels to help them stay calm, lowered their rate of respiration in the confined environment, where air was scarce. Hence, medication is a practice which boosts mental health and gives a person a positive outlook.

We spoke to our friends and some other people who practice meditation and meditative style of living, and came up with some easy and five most effective meditation techniques. The following meditation techniques are especially helpful for those who are immersed in work and undergo everyday stresses of urban lifestyle.

Mindful Meditation
It focuses on paying attention to one’s experience in the current moment. It involves sitting in a comfortable position and trying to make the mind quiet by thinking about nothing. It is important to take a deep breath, pause and feel feet on the ground. It is not always easy to do this if one does not have practice with it. A good way to begin mindful meditation would be to think of oneself as an ‘observer of one’s own thoughts,’ but not engaging with it. Daily practice is important for proceeding with more awareness of self.

Focused Meditation
This is the simplest form of meditation in which one needs to focus on something intentionally but need not think about it. It could be focusing on something visual like the leaves of our house plants or focusing on audio like listening to the recorded sound of sea waves or even focusing on our own breathing. The idea is to stay in the present moment by letting the mind slip into an altered state of consciousness.

Meditating with Nature
Meditation also helps us in connecting with nature as nature has its own pace, music and rhythm. We can use this time of lockdown to bring back the lost connection with nature. Building connection with nature through meditation makes us feel that nature still supports us in different forms. Listening to the chirping of birds, looking out of the window in the clear sky, enjoying the greenery of house garden, feeling the water through our hands are forms of meditation with nature which help us calm our mind and body

Activity-Oriented Meditation
Activity-oriented meditation combines meditation with activities which one may already enjoy doing, or we may even engage in new activities. With this type of meditation one can experience peace and relaxation, along with learning a new skill or polishing the existing one. One can engage in a repetitive activity where he or she can get into the zone and experience flow. It helps in calming down the mind and also builds in confidence.

Yoga helps us stay calm and flexible. One can elevate the spirit and maintain a healthy body and mind while performing daily yoga. It is always good to set aside 15 minutes each day, or share the time with family practicing yoga together. It helps in strengthening the family bond where everyone seems to communicate in silence. Yoga exercises are quite simple and practical ways to uplift the spirit.

Author profile

Saumika is a creative enthusiast who loves music, art, literature, poetry and dance. She is also a dynamic communication strategist. A busy work schedule did not stop her from pursuing her passion for music and art which helps her stay close to her traditional roots.

By Saumika Bhattacharjee

Saumika is a creative enthusiast who loves music, art, literature, poetry and dance. She is also a dynamic communication strategist. A busy work schedule did not stop her from pursuing her passion for music and art which helps her stay close to her traditional roots.