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While the world is reeling under coronavirus pandemic, numerous Whatsapp and Facebook messages are being circulated about the safety measures. However, it is worth paying attention to the simplest safety measure – enhanced immunity by enhanced vitality. All it takes is to ensure the inclusion of some common spices in our daily food.

Indian spices are not only known for adding taste but also come with a host of health benefits. Four common spices which can help our bodies fight against bacteria and virus are a must in daily a routine.

Turmeric has always been known for its healing powers, it has a natural way to bolster the immune system. Due to Lipopolysaccharide, turmeric is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and has anti-viral properties. One simple way to consume turmeric is adding it to warm milk or warm water, along with daily cooked food.

This aromatic spice is a rich source of antioxidants which not only adds that special flavour but helps in boosting our immune system. This spice also has anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties which help in reducing chances of respiratory diseases or flu. One can prepare cinnamon tea, cinnamon coffee or cinnamon-infused water; it can also be added to toasted breaded, home-made cakes.

Ginger has always been known as a healing remedy for cough and cold. It is a powerful immunity booster which works against micro-organisms. It helps kill cold virus and combats fever and chills. Ginger roots are also known to relax the intestinal tract and eliminate intestinal gas.

Clove is another spice which helps in immunity-boosting abilities. Along with helping in toothache, clove works well in shielding body against infections. Clove can also be used in making tea or can be added in hot water during this pandemic.

Author profile

Saumika is a creative enthusiast who loves music, art, literature, poetry and dance. She is also a dynamic communication strategist. A busy work schedule did not stop her from pursuing her passion for music and art which helps her stay close to her traditional roots.

By Saumika Bhattacharjee

Saumika is a creative enthusiast who loves music, art, literature, poetry and dance. She is also a dynamic communication strategist. A busy work schedule did not stop her from pursuing her passion for music and art which helps her stay close to her traditional roots.