Coffee Table Book

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  • A Coffee Table Book is timeless. Not only does it make a statement in your home / office lobby, but it also serves to capture your exclusivity and philosophy.
  • It is the choicest gift to self, friends, family, and business contacts.
  • An expertly designed Coffee Table Book can immortalize your memories, instil a fun filled and exciting discussion with friends and family.  
  • A well-presented photo-styled Coffee Table Book can narrate your story, honour your achievements, or showcase your style – your brand appeal.
  • It is a real treat to hold a fine hardbound book presenting your life story through its glossy, silky, or matt sheets; colours and sheen that reflect your personality; a theme running through the sheets that is an extension of your own being. 
  • A passionately devised Coffee Table Book is not just a quintessential photo album but a compilation of snappy comments, emotions, and tributes. It is a treasure trunk with faded photographs and newspaper cuttings, crinkled letters, washed out collages, and rare shots in those unfeigned moments.

A Coffee Table Book makes a statement, helping you spotlight your organisation, personal journey, love life, occasion, friendship, travel, hobbies, and passion, and more.

A Coffee Table Book is timeless. Not only does it make a statement in your home / office lobby, but it also serves to capture your exclusivity, philosophy, and experiences. At Lexicon World, we deemed it appropriate to introduce Coffee Table Books (CTB) as they fit well into our concept that everything we do, communicates something unique about us.

Sometimes, our moments, passions, and stories remain constrained to an extremely limited audience, who forget them as time passes. With Coffee Table Books, we propose you to give others a fine glimpse into the best moments of your life, to immortalize your memories, and have a fun filled and exciting discussions with friends and family, whenever someone flips through your CTB.  

Take a closer look at how a Coffee Table Book emphasises your and your brand’s appeal.

Narrates your story

Everyone and every business has a story to tell. A professionally and passionately designed Coffee Table Book captures your narrative in an exceptional style, where you get to choose what to portray and what to edit. You can use this tool to emphasise your journey to victory.

Honours your achievements

Whether it is winning a college beauty pageant, a singing award, an MSME award, or bagging a woman leadership award, you would be keen to showcase your accomplishments. A Coffee Table Book is the perfect way to draw attention to your achievements.

A Coffee Table Book is perfect as a collection, for a deep dive.

If you pride yourself on being innovative or driven, or stirred by the need to serve society, a Coffee Table Books gives you ample room to talk about your ethos. A well-presented photo-styled path from foundation to achievements can help build lasting business partnerships, be it with clients or investors. By taking your time out to outline your business principles and motto, you can eloquently represent what your company stands for.

Showcases your style 

While your business may have nothing to do with décor or clothing, the first impression is the last impression for any entity. The design and layout of your Coffee Table Book showcases your outlook and style. It could be minimalistic, traditional or bold, depending on the image you wish to project. Through the right design, you can portray your business as a professional, ambitious setup that keeps pace with the times. In this manner, Coffee Table Books speak volumes without you having to spell out every detail.

Treat it as a quintessential photo album

The Coffee Table Book is a great way to present your best snaps. It might seem a little quaint, or old-fashioned, to actually print out and keep a physical copy of your digital photos, but there is nothing quite like a compilation of your best photographs with some reactions and snappy comments.

At the core of an impactful Coffee Table Book is content that is sharp and design that is cohesive.

To execute your vision right down to the last detail, contact Lexicon World. Let us together start groping into your treasure trunk…the photographs, faded newspapers, crinkled letters, washed out collages, and that one rare shot in that unfeigned moment…and rekindle the magic.

“If a picture is worth a thousand words, a Coffee Table Book, with its photographs and mementos, is worth many more.”

At lexicon World, we create Fine Art Hardbound Books, with range of paper type, size, thickness, and shade.

There were four key things we consider while compiling our guide to the best Coffee Table Books: theme, sequence, material, and size.

Adventure Together |

1. Theme: Each storyteller has a vision where the story has already surfaced, into great details. Try to explain this to us, through vivid details. The compilation of images, clipart and paper backgrounds will all reflect your story.

2. Sequence: It is how you want us to represent your journey, not necessarily in chronological order. Direction is an art wherein you may start and end with the same image while the real story lies in the middle pages. Again, we use our experience to direct you to carve the storyline that works the best for you.

3. Material: Design is intelligence made visible. The right paper, colour, thickness, sheen, and feel; the font that plunges you down the nostalgic link; the quotes and impressions, all come together to render your story a happy ending.

4. Size: Finally, although you want everything you ever lived with, to become a part of your Coffee Table Book, it would be reasonable to select judiciously. You would need to choose selected photographs, mementos, and write ups, for the right sized book.

“The best thing about memories is making them…again.”

Coffee Table Book, starting at Rs. 12,000. contact or WhatsApp +91 9971170578