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The rippling effects of Native American Music promote concord, and it successfully brings people from different religious backgrounds to one common ground.”

The music is to the culture, as the soul is to the body. If you are truly fond of music, Native American Flute, its origin, and its distinct sound would fascinate you.

Spiritual Harmony

Native Americans believe that music could surpass the earthly life and transfer one to the heavenly realm.

Native American Flute is an indigenous musical instrument that reflects messages of social relationships, spiritual exceptionality, and harmonious community life. The aura of mellowness kept the community together in its practices.

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Tell-tales of Flute

The Native American Flute is known by many names. The most interesting English-language names are Native American courting flute, Native American love flute, Native American style flute, and Plains Indian courting flute.

This indigenous flute has a history in tales that convey its role in wooing one’s partner. The adult male would make a flute of his own and play a tune to attract his mate. Once the female responds to this tune, both get united for life. Following this, the female companion breaks the flute to prevent the spouse from playing the theme to another female.

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The Sound of Silence, Instrumental Music with Native Flutes, Giovanny Laguado
The Survival of the Flute

The new generation of Native Americans went through new lifestyle of the Western World where their musical instruments, even the gentle flute that was a medium of solace, was considered unfashionable. The Native American Flute, the symbol of harmony and mellowness was subsided with its culture.

 In the later years of 20th century, a motley crew of music lovers and flutists attempted to revive the Native American Flute. Eventually, the Native American Flute resurfaced along with a few native players. And thus, the world began to realize the physical and mental benefits of this musical instrument. To some this music is calming, to others it may lead to improved focus and cognition.

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In Sync with Law of Nature

 “The tools they owned, the life they lived, their religious and community practices depicted a strong inclination towards Mother Nature.”

Everything in the community fell in perfect sync with nature. The natives remained close to nature and led a life of simplicity. They were not eager towards material evolution and development.

In the contemporary world, native flutes are used in Native American ceremonial practices and healing services. The world has realized it as a symbol of harmony.

The Native American community believes today that music, as a part of the natural world, has a close link to the spiritual world. Obviously, Native American Music promotes concord, and it successfully brings people from different religious and cultural backgrounds to a common platform – nurturing life.

Respect, patience, acceptance of personal differences, and mutual love are symbolized through Native American Music. The aura of mellowness and serenity, as conveyed by this music, is infectious and this is what brings people to revere it.

Author profile

Monica (Managing Editor) is the quintessential researcher - she thrives on showcasing overlooked aspects that form the foundation blocks of people, places and issues. She is a social scientist by profession with masters in Economics and loves to travel.

By Monica P Singhal

Monica (Managing Editor) is the quintessential researcher - she thrives on showcasing overlooked aspects that form the foundation blocks of people, places and issues. She is a social scientist by profession with masters in Economics and loves to travel.