Sleeping difficulty is a common problem with children on the autism spectrum. As many as 50% of children on the spectrum experience this. This can be an enormous problem for both the child and the parents, in attaining their required rest. For the children, who already have fragile nervous systems, lack of sleep compounds many other difficulties (sensory, emotional, behavioural, etc.) they are already battling with. Steady sleep patterns are essential to keep the nervous system calm and organized. Listed below are several of the common strategies used to stabilize sleep patterns.
1. Consistent bedtime routine: The body needs to calm down and relax to sleep effectively. One of the best ways to stabilize sleep is by establishing a consistent, relaxing routine before going to bed. The child should go to bed and rise at the same time every day. This helps establish a consistent sleep cycle for the body. The bedtime routine could consist of a sequence of relaxing events that lowers the child’s arousal level. This means avoiding video games and highly stimulating activity for the last 45-60 minutes of the evening. Common activities in bedtime routines are taking a bath, brushing teeth, toileting, getting a drink of water, reading a story, snuggling in bed, saying prayers, etc. Keep the same sequence of tasks each evening to build a consistent routine. This helps prepare the body for sleep.

2. Lessen any environmental distractions: If the child is a light sleeper, noise, and activity going on in the house can disturb his sleep. Also, common noises occurring outside can be distracting for the children. If needed, try using a consistent background noise (environmental tapes, soft music, white noise machine, fan, etc.) that will mask any other noises. Next, lighting can be an issue. If the child fears the dark, then a night light may be needed. Or, observe if there are outside light sources that are disturbing your child’s sleep (street lights, house lights, etc.)? If so, make sure they are blocked out. Another factor that could disrupt sleep is temperature. If the room is too cold or too hot, the child’s nervous system will stay on high alert and he will not be able to sleep. Lastly, be aware of any tactile sensitivity that could cause concern to the child. Are the pajamas made of material that he feels comfortable in? How about the sheets and blankets? If any of these are too scratchy for the child, the nervous system will not relax.
3. Favourite video or song: Although you want to limited electronics that actively engage the child, for some children, having the same favourite video playing in their room each night, calms and soothes them. They typically do not watch it; just having the familiar scripts in the background relaxes them. These favourite videos or music can represent security in something they love. Block out other noise, and gives them a familiar sensory pattern that calms their minds and regulate their sleep.

4. Deep pressure and snuggables: Deep pressure calms the nervous system and can promote sound sleeping. Provide large pillows, stuff animals, or a body pillow to snuggle with. Lots of heavy blankets, or a weighted blanket, can assist with sleeping. Some children love the feeling of being wrapped up in a sleeping bag. Snuggling with a pet, or simply having one sleeping in the same bed, will often sooth and relax the child.
5. Diet and exercise: The three basic components to an organized nervous (sleep, diet, and exercise) system affect each other. A good diet and lots of physical activity will help stabilize the nervous system so that he sleeps better. However, try to avoid arousing physical activity for the last hour before bedtime.
6. Avoid frequent napping during the day. If your child is having difficulty sleeping at night, try and avoid a lot of napping during the day. If naps are needed in mid-day, try and keep them short (30 minutes or less), preferably at the same time every day.

7. Medical concerns: If the child has gastrointestinal problems, upper respiratory problems, or any other acute medical concerns, these can keep the nervous system on “high alert,” thus preventing him from falling asleep. Sleep apnea could also be a factor. If your child has any of these difficulties, seek medical help to lessen their impact.
Monica (Managing Editor) is the quintessential researcher - she thrives on showcasing overlooked aspects that form the foundation blocks of people, places and issues. She is a social scientist by profession with masters in Economics and loves to travel.