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“Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions,” a famous quote by Dalai Lama explains how happiness is built by our own actions rather than searching for it or expecting someone to give it to you.

Have you ever thought about what it really means to be happy? Everyone wants to be happy; some don’t even know that they are happy while many others are afraid to be happy. It isn’t that they don’t want to be happy, but they have a feeling that being happy will be followed by sorrow to maintain the balance of complementary energies.

The word ‘happy’ has a different connotation to different people. To find out what makes you happy, ask yourself what’s important to you in your life. It could be a simple act of kindness, reigniting old passions such as painting, writing, photography or getting involved in sports, spending time with your friends or relishing a favourite cup of coffee – true happiness lies in the little things that make life joyful. But we should also acknowledge that not all days are sunshine and rainbows, there are some rainy days as well. Let us talk about some vital facts about happiness.

What brings True Happiness in life?
There are few factors that are especially important for overall happiness like sustainable income, being physically fit, family, healthy relationships. These factors play a vital role in contributing to a happy life, and amongst these, good relationships are the cherries on the cake. When we are happy in our relationships (with spouse, children, parents, or close friends) we tend to be happier overall and end up doing all other things well enough.

Ways to find happiness!
True happiness isn’t a running tap that whenever you open it, you will get it or a book you can read or a dress you can wear anytime. It’s something you must keep on discovering for yourself. It’s something that creates passion in you to work hard to uncover it. The most effective method is to truly face ourselves even at the time of most painful experiences. True happiness comes from the willingness to learn to heal in tough times, finding truth when everything is fake and willing to stay the strong self when everything seems to be falling apart.

Why being happy is important to us?
Being happy isn’t about only feeling good. It relates to our own goals in life and actions. It is one of the reasons behind our success in various domains of life, including personal development, work performance, marriage, friendship, income, and health. Happy people are healthy both physically and mentally. They learn to be happy with what they have, they bring positivity in others. They influence others to be happy, they take wise decisions and the benefits could be endless. Last, but not least happiness enhances longevity.

Now that we know what happiness is, and what makes us happy, let us take a pledge today that we will strive to inculcate the “habit of being happy” and lead others to happiness as well. True happiness is a connection to the deepest part of ourselves where truth lies; it’s a connection to the soul that impacts the way we live. It’s a connection with our every breath, a connection which communicates to us the essence of life. Are you feeling it?

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