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1. Yes definitely! Dealing with it now, with my almost 11 year old daughter..

2. It is awful so far. She’s only 10! 😭

3. My oldest was a nightmare from 12-16! I am terrified.

4. It has been really difficult for us! My daughter started her periods, and all the nerves of my body were tested.

5. My teenager is kind of unruly but workable. She is having meltdowns like those when she was a toddler. And has zero motivation right now. Except for some of her favourite classes, everything else is a real struggle for her.

6. I was told by several therapists it would be worse for a while.


7. Ours is on the verge of starting. He is getting a little bit of acne here and there. Teaching a boy how to wash his face properly to keep them from popping up is stressful at times.

8. I am still waiting for him to calm down. I feel as if my 17-year old has regressed.

9. We have been able to keep my son off medication, but his impulse control and distraction is out of control.

10. My son is 13 and it is the first time, he is on meds. His anxiety is through the roof and has had 3 panic attacks this school year.

11. We are experiencing a dramatic increase in emotional upheaval…irrational mood swings due to hormone fluctuations.

12. For us, it became a nightmare. We were doing fine before the hormones hit, and then, it was as if he woke up and forgot all his common sense and house rules.

13. My son turned 14 recently, and he is all about girls and showing off. His ADHD and ODD are through the roof, and we don’t know what to do with him. We are in true family crisis and I just don’t know how this will end. I love my son, but I despise his behaviour and attitude. And honestly, with me at 5’6” and he already at 5’11”, I am getting to the point of being scared of my own kid.

14. Yes. I can tell you with experience that I was worse during puberty. I hated being even talked to unless I was ready. I almost felt like I was in overdrive the whole time. I could not think, my mind was racing constantly. I yelled at my parents and siblings a lot. I did not mean to… I never wanted to make anyone upset, but I was so overwhelmed that I got frustrated…I thought they didn’t understand what I was going through.

15. I think puberty makes ADHD worse but psychological professionals say otherwise.

16. It is likely to get worse in some conditions, but the slight maturity helps in other ways.

17. My daughters got a little better once they hit it.

18. My oldest was less hyper, but more moody.

19. My daughter buckled down and worked hard. However, my son is snappy, and homework has become a big problem.

20. With my kids, things were way worse for about a year before their periods started, and suddenly, as their periods started, they grew up. They became reasonable young adults who were in great control of their emotions.

21. Teen years are like climbing up, and over the hump. Things should gradually get better.

22. In my experience once my son who is now 14, hit puberty, he seemed to improve. He still struggles in some areas but emotionally, he is much better.

23. My 14-year old has levelled off some bit since starting puberty. Thank God! He is still not easy, but with all the peer pressure, he checks himself a little better.

Author profile

Monica (Managing Editor) is the quintessential researcher - she thrives on showcasing overlooked aspects that form the foundation blocks of people, places and issues. She is a social scientist by profession with masters in Economics and loves to travel.

By Monica P Singhal

Monica (Managing Editor) is the quintessential researcher - she thrives on showcasing overlooked aspects that form the foundation blocks of people, places and issues. She is a social scientist by profession with masters in Economics and loves to travel.