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Do you want a call from God? Prayer is a way to the call that is truly for you and your self-development

Need help? God will guide you…in a difficulty? Pray to God…, Need a solution? God knows it…If God knows everything and what we need, then why do we need to ask? Ever thought why so much importance is given to prayers? What is the reason for praying? Why do people pray? It’s a valid question, right? Have you ever experienced the treasures of prayers in your life? There could be ‘n’ number of questions. First, we’ll understand what Prayer is?

Prayer is spiritual communication with God which strengthens our faith and enriches our life. It is a personal and secret conversation and is certainly not the same way in which we communicate with others. For some, it’s like a give-and-take process while others may consider it as a bargaining process in which one seeks to obtain certain favours in exchange for their good behaviour and might at some time be sacrificing few good things in life. In fact, according to medical centres across our country, prayer is considered as the most commonly practised“alternative medicine”. Beyond that, some people believe that every single thought in our mind is linked to prayer. It offers us a space in our heart and mind that is big enough to deal with the challenges that we all face.

In our prayers, we present ourselves to God, the way we are; with all our weaknesses, failures and imperfections that we may not show to even the nearest ones. God reads our hearts and is aware of all our thoughts even before we think them, simply because God is present within us. Yet, it often feels like a one-sided conversation, we get agitated and disappointed if there is no response or if the response comes late. But God’s timing is always perfect for us; never too early and never too late.

God’s response may not be in a manner in which we have demanded it. This makes us doubt in our own belief if God knows everything then why should we pray, maybe God wants us to ask because of the love for us. Think of a father who marries away his daughter but still feels joy when she reaches out to him asking for the things. This love of a father to his daughter will deepen their relationship; love is nurtured and grows through truly opening up. Just like the Father, God wants us to communicate with him, to reach out to him. This is what we call as pure love. So even if you think that God knows our inmost desires, our every want and need, that shouldn’t stop anyone from thanking him, praising him and loving him.

With the power of pure prayer, almost anything can be obtained and has the greater possibility of achieving those things that are best for our inner development and ultimate happiness than the words uttered from an egoistic heart. It’s is also very important to deliberate on what we are going to do with the blessing when we get it. We should know how to use divine treasures of God.

The topic about prayer is endless but I believe that everyone thinks that prayer has a value. It is also said that when we pray we aren’t changing the things around us instead prayer changes us inside out and for the better. Believing and hoping is the thing that gives us strength. Rather than arguing who is right or wrong, we should focus on celebrating the mystery and power of Prayer.

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