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A lot of health experts have thrown light towards the nutritional benefits of this wonder fruit. If one is looking towards a healthy lifestyle; avocados are one of those nutrient-rich fruits which should be part of the go-to-food.

Avocados help in fighting cancer:
The dark-green fruit contains carotenoids, a pigment present in fruits and vegetables which are high in antioxidant properties. These antioxidants fight with free radicals helping reduce the risk of cancer.

Help in losing weight:
Due to its high protein content, avocados help people who are on a dietary plan. It not only helps in providing energy but the good calories help in increasing metabolism.

Avocados reduce bad cholesterol:
Avocados are filled with monounsaturated fats, which help in lowering bad cholesterol level in the body. They are responsible for promoting good cholesterol which in turn keeps the heart healthy.

Reduce high blood pressure:
The dark green fruit contains more potassium than bananas which reduces elevated blood pressure . People suffering from high blood pressure should consume avocados on a daily basis to reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Author profile

Saumika is a creative enthusiast who loves music, art, literature, poetry and dance. She is also a dynamic communication strategist. A busy work schedule did not stop her from pursuing her passion for music and art which helps her stay close to her traditional roots.

By Saumika Bhattacharjee

Saumika is a creative enthusiast who loves music, art, literature, poetry and dance. She is also a dynamic communication strategist. A busy work schedule did not stop her from pursuing her passion for music and art which helps her stay close to her traditional roots.